Madison Street: The Epicenter of Chicago

10 months ago

Chicago's biggest rival isn't New York, St. Louis, or Green Bay. Its biggest nemesis is Chicago. When I lived in Milwaukee and wore a Cubs hat, people would always ask "do people give you a lot of sh*t here for wearing that?" My answer was always "not as much sh*t as I get in Chicago". The White Sox fans hat the Cubs worse than Milwaukee Brewer fans, if that's possible. Milwaukee folks, after all, call people from Illinois "FIBs" (F*cking Illinois B*stards).
So how did Chicago decide who would be White Sox fans and who would be Cubs fans? The decision happened organically: Wrigley Field is on the North Side of Chicago (Lakeview) and Comiskey Park (or whatever the name of the stadium the Sox play at) is on the South Side (Armour Square). The horizontal center of Chicago is Madison street, dividing the city into the North Side and the South Side.
Chicago Bob and Shrog address what separates the North Side and the South Side in this very special short.

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