Moon Through Televue Ethos 21 & Plössl 25 Eyepieces, Skywatcher Flextube 250P Dobsonian Telescope

1 year ago

In making this video I have used these optical instruments:
Skywatcher Flextube 250P Dobsonian Reflecting Telescope.
Televue Ethos 21mm 100 Degrees Eyepiece.
Celestron E-Lux 25mm Plössl eyepiece.
Meade Super Plössl 15mm eyepiece.
Televue Plössl 15mm eyepiece.
Huawei P30 Pro mobile phone camera hand held against the eyepieces.
Unbranded Chinese 2"to 1.25" eyepiece adapter.
I place the Flextube 250P on a water butt stand to rise it to a comfortable level.
I use a home-made light shroud made of synthetic material to block stray light.
I sit on a Skywatcher observing chair.

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