What if They Threw a Crime…and Nobody Came?

10 months ago

It looks like George Soros’ plan worked TOO well.
For years now, the man who plays “SIM City” with all of our lives in real time, has been quite successfully weakening law enforcement and the judicial system in our country. Soros has spent millions of dollars funding the campaigns of social activist attorneys seeking election to publicly elected District Attorney jobs from coast to coast.
It must be way cool to campaign for a job that requires next to no work because you refuse to prosecute large percentages of thugs apprehended by police. “Social justice” and “racial equity” are the buzzwords for their political platforms, allowing them to excuse the resulting low conviction rates and skyrocketing crime rates in locales lucky enough to sport D.A.’S with “the Soros’ touch.”
One such agenda-driven public servant is a progressive prosecutor by the name of Pamela Price. Her jurisdiction is Alameda County, California. That includes Oakland. As fate would have it, Price made the mistake of parking her 90-thousand dollar SUV outside the Family Justice Center, and while attending a seminar on violence, thieves ransacked her vehicle and made off with her work laptop and several other pieces of personal property.
Ms. Price reportedly called Oakland Police to report the crime but apparently, they never responded to her request for help. They were probably just busy that day. But the Western Journal reports that after waiting around for an hour, the high-profile victim took her case to the court of public opinion, sharing her victim status with the world on social media.
And somewhere in a very dark corner of the world, George Soros cannot stop laughing.


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