Even Women Don't Want Relationships Anymore - MGTOW

7 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevin and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have a topic request: Why do I know several beautiful young women who are still single at 30 and have never really been in a relationship? I've been watching them on social media on and off over the years. The only thing I see is that they party every weekend with all their girls, go to festivals and sit in the soccer stadium and maybe go on vacation 1-2 times a year. They like and share some "clever" relationship quotes, as if they had a little love affair here and there, but they never had a really committed relationship that you can hear about. They are all small, thin and pretty, maybe a little shy. Not super heavily made up, not tattooed or similar. I ask myself, are they just so extremely toxic in private or does no one dare to speak to them? Sure, you can see that over the years dogs and cats invaded their lives as they become more miserable. But have you been able to observe such women?" Well Kevin thanks for the donation and topic. Yes in Toronto I've observed many such women. Some becoming dog moms and are now well into their forties as well. Others I've known were single in their forties and fifties and suddenly in their late fifties or early sixties found men and got married. The found men with tons of assets that provided them a decent retirement. Maybe the women you speak of are alpha widows and they got the best men in the sack and won't settle for anything less than the best looking and most financially successful man to have a relationship with? Once they've had the best from then on they expect the best. The women you observed are good looking enough to sleep with the most attractive men and can ride the rooster rollercoaster well into their thirties and forties because they take care of them. Notice how you didn't mention that it was the fat and ugly women that remain single. Those women are far more likely to tie down a man because they know they won't be getting as much male attention going forward. Ironically it's the less attractive women that are more likely to breed these days because they actually need a man. Unless they are so ugly that they look like someone beat them with the ugly stick and no one wants them. The good looking women are also more likely to easily put tons of guys in the friendzone. Kevin you say that you know several such women. Is it possible that a few of them put you in the friendzone or that other guys in your friends circle have been put there? That's been my experience with such women. They lead men on thinking she's single and hanging around with me. Therefore she must want a relationship. But when the guy approaches her she says sorry I just see you as a friend. Some of those women also have a bunch of gay friends from my experience or they focus on their career. One I knew had one that would be her emotional tampon and come over and cook for her. A lot of the time gay men don't realize they are being used by women as an emotional dumping ground. They just figured that being around an attractive woman meant that attractive men would be near her and that would provide eye candy for them. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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