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Thursday Night LIVE PODCAST 09/11/2023

Streamed on:

1. 11.11.11 - what’s going to happen?
2. Could Boris Johnson make a return as Conservative Leader?
3. Are the GOP headed for defeat in 2024?
4. The Oxford AstraZeneca Grift exposed!
5. Why is Douglas Murray everywhere?


  • 0/2000
  • The condemnation in the left-wing media of anyone opposing the Islamic takeover of the UK as right wing hooligans is surely tired propaganda? Maybe not, as the UK masses huddle in front of their TVs watching Gogglebox and Love Island lapping up the State narrative, queuing for their 5th jab and giving away their sovereignty to the unelected bureaucrats of the evil Bill Gates controlled WHO and WEF as Trojan Horse of Islam trots inexorably into every town and city in the UK aided by the twisted ideology of the mainly middle-class far-left thinking politicians. Let's have it right, this utopian dream the left call multiculturism is a failure right across Europe, the gap between Western culture and Islam is a gap that cant be bridged, the Islamists would in the click of your fingers burn down all our Western institutions and destroy all the freedoms we enjoy in society, the truth is that they hate US and our way of life. I'm beginning to think that Albert Camus was right when he opined that the Western hegemony planned to replace the population of Europe with more 'compliant citizens', white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced by non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans. We are under attack across the West in what is the biggest threat to freedom since the Nazis, the covid scam has ushered in an era of absolute tyranny, God help our children and grand-children.

  • Just heard of a 21year old who has passed away of a heart attack in his sleep the day after having his 4th jab, he was in the services (RAF) and coerced to keep getting jabbed, i think it's tantamount to murder, shocking!