The Lord Says - Prepare My People For My Day - Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

8 months ago

Hi everyone. I'm continuing to share the series of messages the Lord gave me between Easter and Pentecost 2023. This message is from April 30th. I encourage you to check out the other videos on my channel to hear some of the other messages the Lord has given. Jesus is coming soon! Prepare for His coming!

Do you know the Lord? John 3:16 says that God loved the world including YOU so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus to die in your place for your sins so that you can have eternal life. Roman 3:23 says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 5:8 God demonstrates His love for us by letting Jesus die for our sins even we did not deserve His forgiveness. 1 Corinthians 15 tells us the great news that not only did Jesus die, but He was raised from the dead 3 days later. He ascended into Heaven and is coming back! Romans 10:9-10 says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead you will be saved! Repent and Believe! Today is the day of salvation.

As always, please like, comment, subscribe and share this video with others as you feel led. Let's get this message out to others. Blessings!

April 30th, 2023

I have anointed you to speak good news to the poor
They are poor in heart, in spirit
The despised of the world
I have sent you as I sent you before
As I love those who are unloveable
I will teach you to love them
For I love them

You have prayed to me
And behold I hear
I speak
Ask of me and I will answer you
I am not silent as the gods of the nations are silent
For I am a Living God
I am He who was, and who is, and who is coming
I will give you eyes to see and ears to hear my voice
Speak as I command you
Be faithful in the things I have given you
And I will give you more
I will reveal myself

Say to this people:

I am the Lord
I am He who sits on the throne
I have set your feet on a rock
I will put my song in your mouth
I will raise up a generation from these stones
A people devoted to me
I will use them to humble the proud

I will draw up a people for myself
Speak to all I draw to you
My things
Listen to me
Obey my words
Speak only what I give you to speak
In the time that you have need of words
I will give you what to speak
Trust in me
I have given you my word, my spirit
I will surely guide you, counsel you, lead you
Only trust in me
Together you will do this work
You are to be my co-laborers
I will build my church
I will use your hands
You are my body
But remember, I am the head
I am the authority
Follow me

These things I have given you
You are to speak
These words are not for you alone
But for my chosen people
I will show you how
I have prepared you a way
In my appointed time I will reveal these things
Do not fear their faces, their wagging tongues
I have given you authority in my name
By my word
Do everything I command
You have longed to see my day
To see my face, my power
And you will see it!

Every eye will see
Every tongue confess
I will bring the nations low
I will show them my mighty hand
Then they will know
I am the Lord

Tell those who long for my day
Who look for my coming
Behold, I am coming soon
Prepare my people for my day
Watch and see
Look for the sign of my coming

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