Building iconic marriages and relationships in the black community | All of the Above with James...

7 months ago

James Brown and relationship specialist Nicole “Mrs. Pinky” Pinkston discuss love, relationships and the black community. The wide ranging talk touched on how politics, gender roles affect relationships. And how to tackle common problems.
Iconic (
Discover the keys to a successful marriage and how to become Iconic. (

By Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs_Pinky (

Modern romance and relationship advice. (0:00)

Building intentional marriages and social empires. (3:27)

Dating, marriage, and infrastructure in the black community. (9:04)

Politics and traditional values in relationships. (14:44)

Gender roles and unity in relationships. (19:53)

Effective communication in relationships. (25:23)

Love, relationships, and social media. (28:05)

Marriage and family in the black community. (33:48)

Common issues in marriages and how to address them. (40:20)

Military experience and leadership. (44:43)

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