Orphans of ISIS: A grandmother's journey to rescue her grandchildren from Syria

1 year ago

Apr 15, 2019
Four Corners exclusively brings you the story of the Sharrouf children and their grandmother's epic fight to find them and bring them home to Australia.

The children of the notorious jihadist Khaled Sharrouf were taken to the self-declared caliphate in 2014.

The world learned of them after their father published pictures of his eldest son holding the severed head of an IS prisoner, sending shockwaves around the world.

For five years their grandmother, Karen Nettleton, has been trying to reach the children and bring them home.

She has mounted several rescue missions, with each one ending in failure. Now, in Syria, she's making a last-ditch effort to save them from the squalid al-Hawl refugee camp.

Read more about this story here: https://ab.co/2v70RVu

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