Terrence Howard - Harmonic Wave Resequencing

10 months ago

Terrence Howard - Harmonic Wave Resequencing
Terrence Howard actor and apparent physicist talks about Harmonic Wave Resequencing. He said in an interview in 2019
"I’ve made some discoveries in my own personal life with the science that, y’know, Pythagoras was searching for, i was able to open up the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations we’ve been looking for 10,000 years.
“All energy in the universe is expressed in motion, all motion is expressed in waves, all waves are curves, so where does the straight lines come from to make the Platonic solids? There are no straight lines. So when I took the flower of life and opened it properly, I found whole new wave conjugations that expose the in-between spaces. It’s the thing that holds us all together.”
The interview I posted is dated December 23, 2017 and he has also mentioned opening up the flower of life and goes a bit more in depth to his findings.
Nonetheless, this part of the interview is absolutely incredible to me because it sounds very similar to Royale Raymond Rife and his invention of the Rife Frequency Generator to which produces very low energy waves. "Rife’s machine built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency. This theory is sometimes called radionics.
"Rife believed bacteria or viruses inside tumors emitted specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). He developed a microscope he claimed could detect EMFs from bacteria and viruses by the color of their auras. "
There is this company called @ipyramids that uses a similar technology referenced above, and it is absolutely profound what this company is doing to help heal the human body down to the cellular level.
I really hope yall enjoy and feel the passion Terrence Howard has in his discoveries and really hope he reaches a breakthrough in his Harmonic wave resequencing.
Source: TikTok "monwhooper_amazing1776"
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