The great equalizer in business is retention, not acquisition.

8 months ago

The great equalizer in business is not when you get one customer, but when you stop one from leaving.

Way more businesses figure out acquisition and forget about retention.

They spend tons of money and time on marketing, sales, and growth hacks, but neglect the most important asset: their existing customers.

They don’t realize that retention is the key to sustainable and profitable growth.


Because retaining customers is cheaper, easier, and more rewarding than acquiring new ones.

According to a study by Bain & Company, increasing customer retention rates by 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.

Retaining customers also means creating loyal advocates who will spread the word about your brand and refer new customers to you.

That’s how you build a flywheel effect that drives organic and exponential growth.

But how do you retain customers?

• By delivering value, delight, and trust at every stage of the customer journey.
• By listening to their feedback, solving their problems, and exceeding their expectations.
• By building relationships, not transactions.
• By treating them like humans, not numbers.

Focus on metrics that matter, you can’t fill a leaky bucket.

Plug those holes and keep those customers from leaving.

It will be the best investment you’ll ever make for your business.

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