Sustainability isn’t just “nice to have.” It's a strategic move. A competitive edge.

8 months ago

I sat down with Lindsay McCormick, founder of Bite, and she brought up some really important points about sustainability the place it holds in our businesses.

We need to rethink the "extra" box.

Sustainability isn't an afterthought. It's strategic foresight. It's future-proofing. It's smart business.

Action steps:

Supply Chain: Evaluate it. Where are materials sourced? Shift towards sustainability, even if it seems costlier upfront. The payoff in stability is worth it.

Waste Management: Analyze waste. Can it be reduced? Repurposed? Remember, landfills are a PR disaster waiting to happen.

Energy: Go renewable. There's an initial investment, but the long-term savings and potential tax breaks can be significant.

Still need convincing?

Consumer Preference: 66% of global consumers prefer sustainable brands (Nielsen).

Attract Talent: Modern employees prioritize purpose alongside paycheck.

Investor Interest: Ethical investors are on the rise. Be the company they choose.

Consider BlackBerry. They ignored the smartphone shift and faced obsolescence.

Now, sustainability is the shift. Adapt or risk irrelevance.

Incorporating sustainability isn’t just “nice to have.”

It's a strategic move. A competitive edge. Your future relevance depends on it.

When strategizing, don't wonder if you can afford sustainability.

Question if your business can afford to ignore it.

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