Ep 2016: Won’t You Be Our Neighbor?

10 months ago

This timely message was laid on Jim & Martha’s hearts so that you might open your heart to your neighbors. When they first moved to Florida, the Brangenbergs gained a whole new perspective of their neighbors and consequently had their lives changed. Neighboring is something they have learned and practice for many years now and have seen first-hand just how powerful it can be. Jim even preached a whole sermon on the Power of Neighboring recently.

So how can we love our neighbors right now? Jim and Martha are challenging YOU to invite a lonely neighbor to Thanksgiving next week. For most of us, there is going to be someone in our lives who will be alone on Thanksgiving. Make it your mission to stop that from happening. It’s the perfect scenario. You’re not gift-giving. It’s not typically a divisive day. It’s a low-pressure holiday about gratitude. Just look for who you can invite and then “put a little more water in the soup!”

In the context of iWork4Him, you’re especially encouraged to look for those at work you can invite. This truly lives out steps 3 and 4 in the iWork4Him Covenant to be a workplace missionary. Start those “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” conversations today!

Speaking of thankfulness, don’t forget how thankful iWork4Him is for YOU! We’re gearing up for Giving Tuesday and invite you to partner with us. As Jim puts it: “Help us to impact more in twenty, twenty-four!”

iWork4HIm is THANKFUL to partner with two pro-country, pro-family Kingdom businesses:

https://SaferNet.com VPN is definitely pro-family as it helps you protect your family members from cybercrime and unwanted content. https://PatriotMobile.com is proudly America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider. Supporting both of these businesses supports iWork4Him and ensures that your hard-earned money isn’t going toward causes you don’t believe in. Consider making the switch to more Kingdom businesses like these!

Guests: Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: https://iWork4Him.com

iWork4Him Audio Podcast - https://www.iwork4him.com/podcast/2023/2016

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