Two American Heroes: Dr. Thomas Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman Discuss Viruses, Dispelling Myths

1 year ago

This discussion is a follow up to a debate Dr. Kaufman had with Dr. Judy Mikovits about viruses. We must bring out the facts to understand the current Covid situation. Dr. Cowan says, it's a war that is waged on a scientific front and now is the time to get it right. We must argue on scientific grounds and Dr. Cowan intimated that we must not be led by profit seekers and puppet politicians. By clarifying specific issues, the science is advanced. The measles virus, is unknown and has never been isolated. HIV isolated by Dr. Judy Mikovits, but Dr. Cowan disagrees with the method. Poisoned cells will put out exosomes and viruses are included. Asking, 'Did virus cause the illness?' is like asking 'Did the firemen cause the fire?' They were there at the fire, so they must be guilty of starting the fire. This is bad science, according to Dr. Thomas Cowan and many agree. He feels it's a discussion we need to have, in order to advance our science and belief system. Viruses don't cause illness! Nobody has ever caused an illness by injecting virus into a volunteer. Injections of primate cells is risky, in that the matter contains other things which can be hazardous and cannot be excluded in the material. Dr. Cowan's theories and questions will advance medicine, so we should hear his arguments. Dr. Kaufman invites others to participate in the discussion and these two doctors site experiments in 1954 and papers from 1957 in order to further their arguments. Dr. Cowan reads about our ability today to separate out the matter in monkey kidney cells. Measles is falsely believed to be caused by a virus, but nobody has isolated that virus. What kind of science is that? That's Al Gore science. We must not be led by such foolish politicians, because politicians are not scientists, usually. That is certainly true in Al Gore's case. True scientists must lead the way and we must not allow politicians to play the role of scientists. At around 37 minutes, Dr. Cowan asks an important question; Are there labs that are trying to develop biotoxins? Are they putting things in the air to make people sick? That's like asking 'Do they make bioweapons at Ft. Detrick, MD?' Of course they do! that's where Covid came from and it was released in Wuhan, by the US military. An obvious question is, 'Do the vaccines contain nano toxins to make us sick?' and 'Will those who took the vaccine die over the next 5 years, disproportionately to those who didn't go for the deadly virus?' Next question from me, 'Should we mandate the vaccine or wait until it's perfectly safe?' and 'Does the vaccine do more harm, than the flu-like virus, it is prove that virus causes illness?' We still have not prove that any virus causes any illness and that's first, isn't it? Rushing into mass production on an experimental vaccine, which isn't really a vaccine, is madness. Are you willing to trust government and rely on the false belief that a shot which isn't even a vaccine, can save you from a virus that doesn't cause illness? Viruses are exosomes. That's all At 43 min Dr. Kaufman states a myth that both he and Dr. Cowan believe, 'That we stay healthy by encountering toxins in the environment. The theory says, 'You breathe in a toxin from the air. It makes you mildly sick and your immune system deals with it and you remain healthy, after a mild illness'. Dr. Cowan is famous for saying, you don't make your body healthy, by injecting toxins into it.' Injection into the tissues is different than encountering environmental toxins, because the toxins come into the body the normal way and we have billions of years of experience in handling them. Injection into the tissues is too invasive and we have no defense. Injections of toxins can be deadly. Ask the six volunteers who died in the first week of the Pfizer trials. Ask Hank Aaron. ask the thousands who died within 2 hours of getting the injection that was supposed to save them from Covid-19. All of them will attest to the fact that injections of toxins are often deadly and they should not be taken into our bodies through the tissues. It's too risky!

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