Reality vs Instagram 😅

10 months ago

Reality vs Instagram 🤦🏻‍♂️🫠

The reality of travel is that not everything will go your way and it might end up being more stressful than you ever could’ve imagined. 🤯

We’ve gone through it all from missing our flight, to mold, bed bugs, mosquito bites, food poisoning, safety concerns, and more! But at the end of the day that’s what you’re risking when you decide to travel. 😅

You give up your comfortability and sanity in some cases to pursue growth far beyond what you could imagine sitting at home. The reality is never as pretty as on social media but it’s always just as rewarding. 🤝🏼

We would go through all of the hardships again if it meant we would meet the people we have met, see the things we have seen, and experience the real beauty of the world. Don’t be fooled by all the glamour that you may see, it comes at a price but some say you have to welcome bad luck in order to receive good luck. ❤️

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