(34) Life in the Millennial Kingdom

10 months ago

[Chapter 34: Life in the Millennial

During the Millennial Kingdom, I lived in my millennial estate with 12 master chambers each connected to 3 servant suites. The year was broken into 4 “seasons”. Each season was around 13 weeks or 91 days.

There were also 4 sections, which each had 3 master chambers. The North section had a European mountain theme and had a “winter” feel to it. The North section had a lot of pine trees. The West section had an American river theme and had a “spring” feel to it. The West Section had a lot of flowering trees. The South section had a Latin island theme and had a “summer” feel to it. The South section had a lot of palm trees. The East section had an Asian lake theme and had a “fall” feel to it. The East section had a lot of colorful trees including cherry blossoms and colorful deciduous trees.

During some of the beginning years of the millennium, I stayed at each master chamber for one week each “season” and rotated counterclockwise to the next master chamber for the next week. I also had a one week vacation outside of my millennial estate each season. It was like having a little “winter”, “spring”, “summer”, and “fall” each season of the year. The novelty of moving every week quickly wore off and I got tired of moving so much. I first changed to spending one month in each master chamber, but even moving 12 times a year seemed to be too much moving. I eventually picked one master chamber in each section to spend the entire season there, so that I would only have to move 4 times each year to change with the Seasons.

Each section has 3 master chambers with a different subtheme to it to give the feeling of a nostalgic past, a comfortable present, and an intriguing future. The North European section had master chambers with a log cabin/wooden fireplace subtheme, a modern mountain resort subtheme, and an extraterrestrial space colony resort subtheme. The West American section had a Victorian subtheme, an urban resort subtheme, and a futuristic civilization subtheme. The South Latin section had a bamboo/straw/hammock subtheme, a white linen/robe polished marble Roman subtheme, and an alien resort subtheme. The East Asian theme section had a traditional Asian subtheme, a spa/massage resort theme, and a futuristic Asian robot theme.

The four sections also resembled a water cycle. Water evaporated from the “ocean” in the South Latin island theme section and condensed as snow in the North European mountain theme section. The snow melted and flowed along two paths. One path was a freshwater river going through the West American river theme section. The other path was a freshwater lake in the East Asian lake theme section.


The North European mountain theme section had skiing, snowboarding, sledding, other mountain outdoor recreational activities, zip-lines, and skydiving/flying. Instead of a “ski lift” there was a high speed roller coaster that would launch you to from the bottom to the top of the mountain along a track with many twists and turns. There were special “angel wings” that allow the wearer to fly around the mountains. There were also giant eagle creatures similar to griffins that you could ride as they flew around the mountains. There were flying sports like “griffin polo”. There was “glacier” cooling device absorbed all the thermal energy and converted it into thermal radiation, which was sent through the atmosphere into outer space in order to keep the section below freezing. The West American river theme section had river rafting activities, sports activities, and an amusement park. There was a berry farm and a vegetable farm. There were giant monkey-like creatures you could ride as they swung through the trees of a forest surrounding the river. There were forest games like “hide and seek”, “monkey tag”, and “capture the flag”. The South Latin island theme section had a beach with waves on it, surfing, “ocean” boating activities, and underwater diving. There was a special “mermaid/merman tails” and “gills” that allow the wearer to swim and breathe underwater. There were dolphins that you could ride while wearing the “tails” and “gills”. There were water sports like “dolphin polo”. There were underwater caves to explore. There was an underwater “volcano” fusion device that looked like a miniature underwater star, which was used to heat the water and keep it warm. The East Asian lake theme section had a tranquil garden at one end of the ocean, and a waterslide park at the other end of the lake. There was an orchard of fruit trees and a livestock farm with a barn for horses and other farm animals. There were sports like “horse polo”.

In the center courtyard there was a different dance theme for every night of the week. Monday was a Swing/Blues dance night theme. Tuesday was a Latin/Rhythm Ballroom dance night theme. Wednesday was a Line/Barn dance night theme. Thursday was a Smooth/International Ballroom dance night theme. Friday was a Salsa Club dance night theme. Saturday was a Disco Club dance night theme. Sunday was an Argentine Tango theme.

Monday had food choices centered on an “African” cuisine theme. Tuesday had food choices centered on a “South American” cuisine theme. Wednesday had food choices centered on an “Antarctica” cuisine theme; this was a joke meant to convey that it was a mystery day for miscellaneous and experimental food. Thursday had food choices centered on an “Australian” cuisine theme. Friday had food choices centered on a “North American” cuisine theme. Saturday had food choices centered on a “European” cuisine theme. Sunday had food choices centered on an “Asian” cuisine theme.

While it may seem like my Estate was designed to be a giant playground solely for recreation, I actually was doing a lot of work during the day using a virtual reality interface. The virtual reality interface allowed me to enter a computer simulated virtually reality environment that allowed me to more easily conduct experiments, design new inventions, and test my designs. It allowed me to design things down to the molecular level, create and copy templates, and build my design back up from the molecular level all the way back to the macroscopic level. I was able to design things as large as stars and black holes with enough precision to determine the crystal structure and minor imperfections of the individual atoms. I was working on developing a self-replicating nanotechnology, which would then be programed to harvest all of the materials in the solar system and beyond to restructure them into my macroscopic design. I was working on creating a completely self-sustaining structure that recycles all of its materials in a “closed system” with minimal entropy, and can house the maximum number of people comfortably. I first decided to build my own computer so that I would know exactly how it worked. I then designed my own programming language to make it easier for me to code different programs. I then programed my own artificial intelligence assistant with a helpful and likable “personality”. I then was having my artificial intelligence assistant teach me how to do the things I wanted to accomplish, and I would make minor changes based on my preferences. I was always in control and the artificial intelligence personal assistant merely offered suggestions to me. I never implemented any of the suggestions until I fully understood them least the artificial intelligence personal assistant might intentionally or accidentally trick me into doing something that might be harmful. Every year I would visit Jerusalem for the Feast of Booths and share my work with other at the colloquium there for the yearly gathering. Some people choose not to attend the yearly gathering at the Feast of Booths, and no rain would fall on them entire year as was promised in Zechariah 14:17. I build my Estate as a closed system with respect to water with its own water cycle, so I wasn’t very worried about not receiving rain. However, I still attended the Feast of Booths in Jerusalem anyways.

As for how many wives I had during the millennial kingdom. I will say I had at least one wife and at most 7 wives. I will neither confirm nor deny that I had more than one wife like Jacob Israel. I will neither confirm nor deny that I became a widower like Abraham and remarried. You can probably guess that based on the layout my estate there is a high probability that my wife or wives came from American, European, Latin, or Asian descent. I might have had 12 sons and 1 daughter like Jacob Israel or I might have had only one child. The millennial kingdom was completely different that the society that proceeded it. The cultural norms were completely different. As you can imagine my family began to grow substantially during the 1000 years. I felt like Adam whose decedents had already formed into their own societies by the time Cain and Abel were born. It wasn’t that I had that many children, but my children had a lot of children, and their children had a lot of children, and their children had a lot of children etc. If each generation was around 50 years, then there were around 20 generations during the 1000 years. If each generation had about 3 children, then the population of my decedents was roughly 3^20= 3,486,784,401. I had about three and a half billion descendants by the end of the 1000 years, but I didn’t take a census. I didn’t have time to learn all of their names since 30 years are only about a billion seconds. It would take me over 100 years just to say their names if were able to say one name per second. During the 1000 years the earth was being terraformed to support a larger population. There were about a trillion people on the earth by the end of the 1000 years. There were about 500 square meters per person on the surface of the earth. However there were large skyscrapers everywhere that use the vertical dimension to make it seem less crowded.

Most people were “vegetarian” and didn’t kill animals for food but rather ate “meat” that came from a “replicator”, which was like a 3D printer for food that could recreate food from at the molecular level. The replicated “meat” tasted exactly like meat that came from choice animals from what I can remember. However at first some people got tired of the replicated meat because they were using the same formula over and over again with no variety. Eventually we came up with the idea of including random “imperfections” in the meat formula to make it seem more like meat that came from a real animal. The program would randomly create “imperfections” so that each meal tasted a little bit different like it was being cooked from meat that came from real animals. Every once in a while we would take a real animal and cook it to compare its meat with the replicator “meat”. We tweaked the formula until we got the right level of trace hormones and other subtle details to make it taste like real “meat”.

It would have been impossible to fit a trillion people on the Earth without the replicator technology. The replicator technology allowed us to recycle all of our “trash” by “digesting” it down to the individual atoms and then reassembling them into whatever product we wanted. Sometimes we would even use a “transmutation device”, which could fission atoms into their individual protons, neutrons, and electrons and then fuse them back together into whatever element we wanted. The millennial kingdom was definitely an exciting time to be alive. I know that all of the people who were martyred by having their head cut off were glad they got to be resurrected ahead of time and reign as kings and priests during the millennial kingdom. We all felt a little pity for the people who died in other ways and weren’t resurrected until after the 1000 years were finished.

Prophetic Fiction: 35 Souls and Management of Estate

I had seven human companions each who were chosen with a different specialty corresponding to each of my seven senses, which are sight¸ hearing, smell, taste, touch, balance, and indwelling of the Spirit of the Creator.

The companion with the specialty of “sight” is an artist advisor who provides recommendations for visual artwork, architectural design, interior decoration, and landscaping.

The companion with the specialty of “hearing” is a musician advisor who provides recommendations for music.

The companion with the specialty of “smell” is a perfumer advisor who provides recommendations for perfumes.

The companion with the specialty of “taste” is a chef advisor who provides recommendations for food.

The companion with the specialty of “touch” is a massage advisor who provides recommendations for spa and massage specifications.

The companion with the specialty of “balance” is a gymnast, acrobat, martial arts, and dance advisor who provides recommendations on aerial choreography.

The companion with the specialty of “indwelling of the Spirit of the Creator” is a prophet advisor who provides recommendations for utilizing the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, healing, miraculous powers, discernment and interpreting dreams, faith, speaking languages, and interpretation of languages.

These seven human companions gave me recommendations on how to improve the aesthetic aspects of my Estate for all of us to enjoy together. The seven human companions had a symbiotic relationship where all of them were able to benefit from and appreciate the specialties of each other. Each companion stayed in one of the master chambers of the estate and had 3 helpers that stayed in the servant suites. I also stayed in one of the master chambers of the estate and had 3 helpers that stayed in the corresponding servant suites. There were 24 helpers total to help govern the estate.

I had four angelic secretaries each in charge of managing a specific quadrant of my estate. Each angelic secretary stayed in one of inner master chambers. The angelic secretaries could use the master chamber they were staying in and the corresponding servant suites at their discretion. The four angelic secretaries were chosen each with a different specialty. The first had a specialty of math, science, and engineering. The second had a specialty of language, history, cultures, and politics. The third had a specialty of combat and warfare. The fourth had a specialty of art and recreation.

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