1 Corinthians 02 Introduction 1:1-9

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SBC Family,

Tonight we will finish up the Introduction and Background of the book by looking at some of the key verses, the key word, and the key idea. Hopefully these famous verses will be familiar to you, and if not, they will motivate you to want to learn 1 Corinthians.

Then we will go into the Introduction in 1:1-9. Like most of Paul's introductions and salutations, he gives in seed form some of the ideas that he will develop in the letter. In other words, the uniquenesses here are a foreshadowing of what is in the book. There are three of these in the introduction to the Corinthians, so watch for them. They set you up for where Paul is going in the letter.

Check out the handout.

I hope to see you tonight,




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