Rahan. Episode Forty Seven. The Men without hair. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago


Episode Forty Seven.

The Men without hair.

Text by Roger Lecureux.
Drawing by Andre Cheret.


The spear that stuck behind him told the son of Crao that the pack that had been chasing him since nightfall had not lost his track!
He picked up his pace and climbed nimbly over a large tree felled by lightning and.

The ground opened beneath him.
Thin branches and leaves that had concealed the trap.

Page Two.

Accompanied him in his fall.
He heard the clamors of his pursuers and instinctively protected his head.

What? What?
A coarse net of lines, stretched across the pit, had spared him from hitting the bottom!

Rahan understands.
This trap is designed to capture game alive!
The net bumped and jolted as it was slowly raised.

During his flight, the son of Crao had only glimpsed his pursuers.
He only now noticed that none of them had hair.

We wanted to slaughter you!
But since the spirits led you into this trap, it is because they want Araya to decide your fate!
Do not resist!

Page Three.

How could Rahan, entangled in the meshes and threatened by twenty spears, have resisted?
Rahan is the friend of all "Those-who-walk-upright", men-without-hair!

You lie! It was the evil spirit that sent you to our territory! Advance! Advance!

The moon was still shining when the hunters and their captive came within sight of a cave.
Araya knew you would bring back Long Hair!
The setting clouds told him so!

The son of Crao guessed the man was a sorcerer from his heavy collars, and from his words.
Since dawn, one of us has been observing you.

When they told Araya how you had escaped the "Long-nose", Araya set his brothers on your trail!
Because only an evil spirit can avoid the anger of the “Long-nose”!

Page Four.

Just before sunset, in fact, Rahan had been charged several times by a rhinoceros.
It was only due to his composure and his flexibility that he tired the pachyderm.

Evil spirits do not exist!
Any agile hunter can tire out a "Longnose"!
Obviously, it would be difficult for Araya!

Rahan, mockingly, pointed to the sorcerer's belly.
But undoubtedly Araya prefers to eat the game that others catch!

Ten spears were going to strike the son of Crao when.

You would not kill a defenseless hunter in the time of granook!
Have my brothers forgotten it?
The young girl who emerged from the cave looked at her companions with contempt.

Page Five.

If Araya wants to take "Long-Hair’s” life, let him take it himself!
But give long-haired his weapon back!

Lonoo was very little when she last saw Araya hunting.
But Araya will undoubtedly accept a fight with long hair!

The spears were lowered.
Lonoo snatched the ivory knife from a hunter.
If you faced a "Long-nose", you will not fear a “big belly"!

The worried sorcerer suddenly became accusatory.
The clouds said that Araya must never hold a weapon again, or his power would be taken away!

But since Lonoo wants a fight, she will have it.
At sunrise, "Long hair" will face Taurk, who has been reincarnated as Araya-the-hidden!

Page Six.

As cries of approval arose, the sorcerer smiled perfidiously.
But Longo herself will have to ensure that the evil spirit does not escape the clan. She answers for it with her life!!

The hunters without hair, and Araya disappeared into the cave.
Rahan thanks you, Lonoo. But who are you?
Why does the clan obey you?

The clan still respects me a little because I am the daughter of granook-the-chief.
But mine obey Araya in everything!

You do not seem to have much respect for your wizard!
I hate him! I have hated him ever since.

When Grannok-the-chief and a few brave people joined the "Territory of Shadows".
Crushed by buffaloes while they were hunting for the clan!

Page Seven.

That day Araya refused to accompany my father, claiming that the spirits were unfavorable to hunting.
I know this “Prediction” excused his fear and his laziness!

But my people believed that Araya knew the language of clouds!
They made him the clan wizard!

This happened many moons ago.
Since then, Araya has never hunted again, never risked his life again.
He spends his time sleeping and eating!
Or, he plays with this monster who only obeys him!

A monster? What monster?
Taurk! A buffalo that he managed to train, and which, he says, is the reincarnation of the hunter he was before becoming a sorcerer.

Do not smile "Long-haired"!
It is this fury that you will have to face at daybreak!
Loone had an expression of fear.

Page Eight.

The son of Crao contemplated the sky that would soon brighten with the light of dawn.
Rahan could run away. Yes, he could run away.

But he knows that Arraya is just waiting for this to accuse Lonoo of having helped the Evil Spirit!
This is why Rahan would stay! He will fight Taurk!

Lurking in the darkness, the sorcerer was spying on them.
They must both die, otherwise Araya will lose the trust of the clan!

Rahan and Lonoo were returning to the cave.
Why do yours not have hair?
They shave their heads.

Ever since Araya claimed to have seen in the clouds that death was leading the hunters towards the “Territory of Shadows” by pulling them by their hair!!

Page Nine.

Why does he make up such lies?
This sloth must play his role as a wizard!
And chance came to his aid!

What do you mean?
Since the men cut their hair, the clan has not lost a single hunter.
It is just luck, but.

My brothers attribute these Miracles to the one-who-sees-into-the-skies.
This is why they obey him!
This is why you will be disemboweled by Taurk!

The horizon was turning pink.
You still have time to escape "Long Hair"!
No! Rahan will not sacrifice your life for his!!

At the sorcerer's call, the hunters burst out of the cave.
The Clouds of the East promise us the death of the evil spirit!
Let him be delivered to Taurk!

Page Ten.

The son of Crao allowed himself to be dragged away without resistance.
Rahan had faced buffaloes before. He had always triumphed!

A moment later, he was pushed into a shallow but very large pit.
You see the sun rise for the last time!

The hunters and their companions gathered at the edge of this natural arena.
Among them, Rahan caught a glimpse of Lonoo, who addressed him with a sad greeting.
Free Taurk!

Men opened a heavy trapdoor.
There was a moment of silence and suddenly Taurk appeared.
Rahan had never seen a buffalo so powerful, with such fearsome horns!

Page Eleven.

Kill the evil spirit, Taurk!! Kill him!
The hoof of the great buffalo scratched the ground.
He had just seen the son of Crao.

If Rahan kills Taurk, the hunters will believe he killed the sorcerer's reincarnation!
They will be merciless!

An insane idea occurred to Rahan.
Defeat without killing this monster that charged him.
He sheathed his knife and waited for the shock!


An admiring clamor arose which was redoubled when, dragged through the dust, the son of Crao grabbed the other horn.
Ah! Rahan may make you touch the ground! Just a moment! A simple instant!

Page Twelve.

Rahan attempted an impossible feat.
The big buffalo, shaking his head in disgust, shrugged him off!
What vanity it is to hope to defeat Araya the hunter!
Long hair goes.

Screams drowned out the sorcerer's voice. Taruk, continuing his course, charged a hunter who had just slipped into the pit!

No Taurk! No! No!!
The irritated buffalo no longer listened to Araya.
The son of Crao heard the howl of the disemboweled man.

Araya is lying to you, “Men-without-Hair”!!
If he had been reincarnated in a buffalo, he would not have killed one of your people!!

And you see that it is not enough to cut your hair to escape death!
Over there, Taurk savagely trampled his victim.

Page thirteen.

The sight and smell of blood increased the fury of the buffalo which charged the son of Crao once again.

Rahan wanted to spare you but it is not possible!
If one of us has to join the "Territory of Shadows", it will be you.
The ivory knife shone under the sun.

At the moment when Taurk came towards him with his head down.
Rahan had dived between the great horns.

Using these, he managed to turn around on the neck of the buffalo which was kicking furiously.

The “Hairless Men” acclaimed his audacity.
"Long-Haired" does not seem to fear reincarnations, does he, Araya?

Page Fourteen.

Taurk now charged straight ahead and the son of Crao struck, searching for the spot he knew was vital.

And the ivory blade suddenly cut the jugular.
The large buffalo suddenly collapsed on its front legs, throwing Rahan to the ground.

Its rear legs bent in turn and it rolled onto its side.
If long hair triumphed over Taurk, it is because he is an evil spirit!

We all saw him take on Tarak!
He fought as a courageous hunter!
The clan must give him back his freedom.

Araya felt doubt creeping into his people.
Once again cunning, he became conciliatory.
Araya may have misunderstood the clouds' signs!

Page Fifteen.

Yes Araya had misunderstood!
The clouds say that "Long-haired" can live.
If he leaves our territory immediately!!
The sorcerer solemnly consulted the sky.

You triumph again are yours!
The clouds do not speak to those who walk upright!
They say whether the coming day will be beautiful or not, and that is all!

After the death of Granook-the-chief, you live by lies, Araya.
If Taurk was your reincarnation as a hunter, he would not have killed one of you!
And if you could have predicted things you would have known that Rahan would kill the buffalo!

The sorcerer hid his rage poorly.
It was the presence of the Evil Spirit that caused Araya to lose his power.
When "Longhair" is gone, Araya will regain his power!

Good and evil spirits do not exist! Rahan hopes men without hair will understand this one day!
The hunters, confused, watched the son of Crao rush towards the forest.

Page Sixteen.

Lonoo saw him disappear into the thickets.
If Lonoo does not guide "Long Hair", he will encounter the "Great Ravine" and will have to turn back.

The hunters will think that he is coming back to challenge them and will have no pity for him.
While her people returned to the cave, she slipped away.

Hold! Hold! Lonoo perhaps hopes to bring back "Long-haired".
As long as this girl lives, Araya's authority will not be complete!

Rahan will not go back!
The son of Crao, however, was already far away.
He would have gone even further if a precipice had not stopped his course.

He could have walked along this wide and deep ravine, but he liked to overcome these obstacles that nature presented to him.
A moment later, from his knife and a bamboo, he had made a solid javelin.
He tied a long vine there.

Page Seventeen.

If his knife is helpful to Rahan, he will find a fork!
The javelin flew towards the trees that stood on the other side of the ravine

Once again, Rahan drew a lesson from a recent misadventure.

Like the arrow that skewered the squirrel, the javelin disappeared in the foliage, getting stuck in the branches as soon as he pulled the line.

He tied it to a trunk when clamors reached him.
Could Araya have convinced the hairless men that Rahan is an evil spirit?

The hunters, intrigued by the disappearance of their wizard, were looking for him.
And they had just discovered.
The corpse of Lonoo!!

Page Eighteen.

The son of Crao was above the void when Araya emerged from the thickets brandishing a heavy pebble.
Long Hair will die!

Long hair killed Lonoo!!
He must die!!
While the witch angrily hammered on the line, the hunters appeared in turn.

Rahan was not yet in the middle of the precipice when the vine gave way.

He was violently thrown against the steep wall of the ravine, but despite the shock he did not let go.

Araya is lying to you again!! Rahan didn't kill Lonoo!!

Page Nineteen.

Bang! Bang!
Rahan will not make it up there without being hit!
Rahan did not kill Lonoo!!
The spears ricocheted dangerously around Rahan.

When Lonoo, wavering, appeared behind the hunters.
Longhair tells the Truth!
It was Araya who wanted to kill Lonoo!

He caught up with Lonoo in the forest and hit her with a stone!
You will never oppose Araya Lonoo again!

She lies! She lies to save "Longhair"!
Here is proof that we do not lie, brothers!
While struggling, she snatched her necklace from Araya!

Rahan had taken advantage of this respite to climb out of the ravine.
What he heard filled his heart with joy.

Page Twenty.

“Long-hair” was right!
Araya has always deceived us!
But by striking Lonoo, he is condemned to join the "Territory of Shadows"!!

No! No!
The sorcerer screamed in fear but the hunters, unyielding, pushed him towards the “Grand Ravine.”

It was so deep that the body spinning in the void disappeared from Rahan's eyes.
Come back, brother, you no longer have any reason to run away from us!

It was true.
Nothing forced the son of Crao to leave this territory anymore.
This was why, shortly after.

How long did he stay among this clan?
No one can say it.
Still, when he said goodbye to Lonoo one fine morning, all the hunters had regained their abundant hair of yesteryear.


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