1 year ago

I am a prophetess of the Lord, I release Words from the Lord, boldness and truth is spoken here, political arena, church condition, judgement, vengeance, God's fullness of who He is, God gets ALL the glory here, I am just a vessel, Holy Spirit filled and led, the Lord says the evil modern day Pharaoh's fates have not changed, they are following satan's agenda, satan is always defeated, satan never wins, his arrogance and pride gets him in the hot seat every time, Jesus made a public specticle of him at the cross and He will again, the unmasking of the Biden, which means double minded, plunders of his mouth continues by God's hand, kamala Harris will have a slip of the tongue, the domino's will fall and continue until God's perfect plan is complete, God will save in ONE DAY, we have been in a testing season, refining, purging, stretching, uncomfortable, Jesus is our strength, remember Esther and how long she was prepared, God created us for just a time as this, fullness, purity at heart, remnant, ecclesia, God is fine tuning us like a stringed instrument, worship, praise is to the Lord, there is no man or women that will take the limelight from our creator, this is all for HIM and HIS kingdom, the bride of Christ needs purification, cornerstone, our voices will make the demons scatter and tremble, Caleb's are arising in this hour, spy on the enemies camp, step into your fullness that God has created you to be, Warfare in the heavenly places,
Struggle against the forces of darkness,
Fight against spiritual opposition
Confrontation with evil powers
Engaging in spiritual combat
Battling against the devil's schemes
Striving against principalities and powers
Spiritual warfare tactics
Prayer warfare
Waging war against the enemy
Victory in the spiritual realm
Resisting the devil
Putting on the armor of God
Fighting the good fight of faith
Overcoming spiritual attacks
Breaking spiritual strongholds
Deliverance from spiritual bondage
Spiritual battle cries
Fighting for the kingdom of God, Prayer and intercession
Binding and loosing
Fasting and abstinence
Spiritual discernment
Deliverance ministry
Repentance and confession
Spiritual mapping
Prophetic declarations
Spiritual authority
Engaging in spiritual warfare
Spiritual armor
Spiritual battle
Blood of Jesus
Spiritual weapons
Prayer walks
Breaking strongholds
Anointing with oil
Rebuking demonic forces
Casting out demons
Sanctification and consecration
Building up spiritual walls
Covering with the blood of Jesus
Breaking curses and generational bondage
Warfare prayer
Pleading the blood of Jesus
Holy Spirit power
Spiritual warfare strategies
Prayer and fasting
Overcoming evil
Spiritual cleansing
Breaking soul ties
Binding and casting out of unclean spirits
Repentance and forgiveness
Binding and casting out of demons
Breaking the power of the enemy
Speaking the truth in love
Spiritual fortification
Renewing the mind,
Engaging in spiritual disciplines,
Praise and worship,
Praying in tongues,
Confession of faith,
Listening to God's voice,
Living a holy life,
Praying for others,
Resisting the devil,
Receiving the Word of God,
Praying for spiritual discernment,
Resisting temptation,
Walking in the Spirit,
Overcoming fear and anxiety,
Spiritual vigilance,
Overcoming temptation,
Breaking occultic spells and curses,
Warfare against addiction,
Spiritual discernment of false teachings,
Persevering in prayer,
Binding and casting out of fear,
Spiritual alignment,
Building spiritual momentum,
Warfare against doubt,
Spiritual strengthening,
Breaking generational curses,
Deliverance from demonic oppression,
Overcoming worldly influence,
Spiritual breakthrough,
Walking in obedience,
Spiritual preparation,
Cutting soul ties,
Declaring God's promises,
The authority of the believer,
The power of prayer,
Overcoming spiritual apathy
Identifying and renouncing sin
The power of the Word of God
Building up faith

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