Colloidal Silver Warning

1 year ago

TikTok Censored This Video even though it's based on published peer-reviewed research and confirmed through many different studies with all kinds of varied funding sources from around the world.

Colloidal Silver is Nano Silver. I know there are many people who swear by colloidal silver. Yes it is antibacterial, but that’s because it’s toxic to cells, including our body’s tissues.

Colloidal silver was touted as a miracle supplement during C0V1D and yes, it is anti-viral. But continual exposure to nanosilver can lead to long term health effects as it accumulates in our tissues and perpetuates DNA damage and inflammation.

Some may say that Big Pharma is just trying to suppress this miraculous product, but the findings on nano silver are consistent with the behaviors of other metallic nanoparticles and numerous (numerous!) studies back this up.

Nanoparticles are not natural. They’re not natural cures and should not be taken as a supplement.

*There are some bio-based nano silvers that may be less toxic (coated with plant material) however the safety data is still sparse.*

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