Newborn Donkey Starts Feeling Sleepy. What Happened Next Cracked Me Up.

6 years ago

It’s something that’s happened to all of us. We’re sitting or standing there and then, all of a sudden, you feel a tap on the shoulder from good ol’ Morpheus. No, not Laurence Fishburne’s character from “The Matrix”, but the god of Sleep. You lose all energy and the only thing you want to do is close your eyes and sleep. Of course, finding a good sleep spot can be hard on say… the subway. It’s a dilemma the animal that stars in this video can understand.
We see a fairly newborn donkey standing in a pen with his mommy. Another one is running around the area, while his parent watches nearby. It’s a quiet scene… maybe a little too quiet for the young ‘un. You see his eyes starting to close. He’s going to take a nap, but he forgets to do something like maybe fold his legs so that he can sleep more comfortably. Nope. His eyes are going to close while he’s still upright.
The baby donkey is tired. Hey, if you had to stand for a while after only entering the world 12 hours ago, you would be ready for an impromptu nap. That’s the thing that’s amazing about animal births… this guy is STANDING not even half a day later. My son took like eight months or so to pull himself up to a standing position. So… yeah. Kudos there, little donkey. Kudos.

I’ve been guilty of doing what this little fella does here, but I’ve managed to be sitting on a sofa every single time that it happens. I just grab a pillow, prop my head on it and zonk out for a bit. When he gets older, he’ll get more energy. Well, as much energy as donkeys are known for. They tend to move at the “slow and steady win the race” kind of pace. So this little guy is learning energy conservation already.

Watching this little donkey fight the bonkies sure made me a little sleepy. Tell us your funniest “falling asleep” standing up stories in the comments section!

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