Reuters Says 2023 Is The Warmest In 125,000 Years

1 year ago

Someone should do a welfare check on Greta Thunberg. Reuters reports 2023 will be the hottest year in, well, a very long time: The year 2023 is on track to be the warmest in 125,000 years, the EU scientists say - Reuters -- Check. So 125,001 years ago, it was hotter. How much of that was AGW? Yeah, they're burying the lede here: so the world was warmer 125,000 years ago when people ate bugs, didn't drive cars, didn't have electricity or gas stoves, and lived in caves? Maybe our SUVs and hamburgers aren't the problem.

We've been keeping track of temperatures since about 1880, and the local weatherman can't predict tomorrow's weather, but we're supposed to just trust them on this. The tweet continues (emphasis original): “there are no detailed temperature records extending back 100,000 years, so we don't know for sure.” - 'We don't know for sure', but they're sure going to act like they do. The Earth has cycles, the sun has cycles, the solar system is moving inside the galaxy, the galaxy is moving through the universe, it is like driving a car from Florida to Alaska, you will see different climates. Everything is always in movement and change. Always. If it was static, that's when we should start to panic.

Solar Cycle 25 is a period of intense activity of our sun and its so powerful it melted away the permanent ice clouds of Neptune. Yet… somehow climatologists refuse to acknowledge its responsibility in our droughts and record heat. Doesn't fit the narrative. No, it doesn't, so it gets ignored. As usual, they're just making crap up. Of course. There's an agenda here. The question we always ask the environmental Left is this: what should the temperature be? What is the 'correct' temperature? And, as of now, we haven't gotten an answer. Just that things are 'too warm' or 'too cold' or 'too extreme.' Can't imagine why they can't answer this question.

• More at: Twitchy - Reuters Says 2023 Is The Warmest In 125,000 Years

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