11-08-2023 - Esther 1-2 Verse of the day - I forgot to add the good people in this take

7 months ago

11-08-2023 - Verse of the day
Esther 1:2  That in those days, when the king Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the palace, 

I forgot to speak on the good people in our and other nations Governments who are doing good.
So I decided not to do a 5th take, in order to show how easy it is to lump a whole group of people into the same basket and therefore disparage a whole group for the actions of a few.
There really are only a few who do these types of things that are outlined in the book of Esther among huge populations and Governments, relatively speaking.

For instance, from the entire nation of Persia which was absolutely huge, only around 75,000 could be found who were in league with the genocidal maniacs in power. This is out of millions upon millions of people. 75,000 out of millions upon millions of people.
That is a lot of "good" people among the relatively few bad. (yes we know no-one is good except for God)

The first take was around 15 minutes or so. (left important stuff out)
The second take was 30 minutes or so. (only mentioned part of the Gospel instead of all)
The third take was close to 4 minutes. (it was just bad and too short for the subject)
And this fourth take is what it is. I forgot to mention all the good people in not only our government but others also.
My Apologies.

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