Daniel Bulford, Patriot, Hero to Many. Remembrance Day, Convid Lies.

7 months ago

I ask Danny Bulford to give us his views on many subjects like our fallen soldiers, Remembrance Day ceremonies, RCMP and loyalties. This former RCMP member with 15 years of duty in Northern Canada, then to Ottawa for 8 years, felt compelled to stand up for what was right, when many of his comrades stood by without a word. He resigned after speaking out against the draconian mandates, that were all based on lies,(evidence in video) and was integral to the safety and security in Ottawa during the convoy rallies.
We stumbled through some technical challenges but we had a real and honest conversation about the trauma that the majority of the world have experienced.
I consider him to be a true hero for speaking out and giving hope to many that stayed silent during a very dark period in Canadian history. I look forward to another opportunity to speak again.






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