6 months ago

On 26 October, Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine recorded this BBC interview on the hardships that economic sanctions have caused for Niger. Just three days prior, the European Union convened to work out a plan to impose new sanctions on the West African state. This comes after neighbouring African member states in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) slapped sanctions shortly after the late July coup that ousted a Western-friendly Nigerien president, Mohamed Bazoum. Additional EU sanctions are likely to drastically increase poverty and hunger. However, Nigeriens are proud of their post-coup government, which is choosing to defend African sovereignty and expel imperialist occupying military forces, such as France and the United States.

How, as Africans, should we respond to Niger under imperialist attack? Let us know in the comments.

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