Starwars Episode 11-At the Battlefrontlines

7 months ago

This is the final part of the trilogy.
Episode XI At the Battlefront lines

Delegates cannot agree on a peace treaty so they secretly hire
Bounty hunters to make sure there is no hope.
After Kylo Ren’s death Riana Raven becomes the head of the First Order.
Supreme Leader Riddick confirms that.
Rebel Generals and Jedi Knights meet together in a committee to discuss
ways to resolve important matters.
Obi-wan Kenobi decides to visit planet Keydo to ask old friends a few questions.
There he learns the awful truth that Senator Ray Mores is not a
Lover of democracy but chos
He has not held the people’s interest.
He practices training methods that are prohibited by the Jedi High Council.
He is actually Supreme Leader Riddick in disguise.
They send a few Jedi Knights to bring him in but they are unsuccessful.
He kills them quickly without much effort.
Obi wan returns to the Jedi Temple on Ruku
To share striking information he has been told with the other members.
Rey, and Chewibua set course for planet Revloyn.
As soon as they arrive they are taken into the conference room.
Where Rebel leaders are deciding what action should be carried out next.
The Rebel fleet is dispatched to counter the growing threats.
Rey discovers that she has a twin sister it was her that started the
Rebellion Movement during the battle of Scarif.
She did what was necessary to ensure everyone has a chance of
Survival and freedom.
Jyn Erso is her birth name.
They are both connected telepathically.
Resistance star fighter squadrons get in battle formation.
Lead by Lieutenant Tallissan Lintra.
They attack enemy ships with precision.
The First Order high class weapon the Anton Device is now operational.
Their most feared Star Destroyers are The Mennorisezer, The Desenegrator,
and The Super Nova……….

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