Glock Cleaning | Polishing Parts and Frame

1 year ago

Marine Gun Builder Certified Glock Armorer and Chief Instructor at Freedom Crew University shows how to clean and polish glock internal parts and frame. He meticulously illustrates the basics on the best ways to clean plastic parts and apply polish to glock parts including polished triggers and trigger bars, polished barrels, feed ramps and polished slides. This is the most in-depth Glock cleaning tutorial on the web!

These methods can be applied to all Glock models including for glock builders!

- Polymer 80 PF940C, PF940V2, PF940SC, PF45, PF9SS
- GST-9 by 80% Arms
- SCT Manufacturing G19
- Geisler Defence
- Strike80 Glock
- Lone Wolf Timberwolf G19
- Glock 3D printed lowers

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