Red Pill Lens Movie reviews: Twilight

10 months ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill lens movie review on Twilight, enjoy!

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1:05 1st point intro to bella
3:05 2nd point jacob
3:29 3rd point mf batman in this movie
4:47 4th point imagination & indignation
6:21 5th point protector + gaslight game
7:00 i forget the english language
7:27 back to point
7:41 6th point mysterious game + feminine intuition
12:42 7th point BP propaganda
13:45 8th point batman reverts to BP game with a hint of RP
15:23 9th point bella finally does some work + BP dream
17:50 10th point hypergamy does not allow unconditional love
20:14 11th point edward DHV + oneitis
21:09 12th point BP dream + of love and war scenario
22:47 13th point oneitis is their downfall
23:30 14th The Hen gets tricked
24:32 15th point overt coms + deep converted
24:57 16th point overt BP
25:15 final point she wants to become a bat + genuine burning desire
25:50 movie score
27:39 outro

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