Julian Rosen: Rewiring Your Personality For Bliss and Success | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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"You never chose anxiety, to doubt yourself, to be a People Pleaser, or to assume the worst. These are all things that just kind of happened and emerged from somewhere in your internal world." - Julian Rosen

What are you gaining by letting this fear-based infatuation with what's next steal your power in the moment?

Writer, Speaker, Coach, and Creator of The Fearless Life Project, Julian Rosen, explains the laws of consciousness, how trauma can masterfully shape us, how to redirect fear to act from love, and the concept of "Rewiring Your Personality For Bliss and Success" and how it actually changes the brain.

Learn how to connect the head and the heart in the present for greater consciousness.

[1:30] The Laws Of Consciousness

-What "Rewiring Your Personality For Bliss and Success" is and how it changes the brain.
-The fact that we never chose how our brain was wired, our anxiety, or thoughts about ourselves.
-How "Rewiring Your Personality For Bliss and Success" proves that our thoughts and feelings are not who we are; they’re just something that we practice unconsciously and they’re optional.
-What steps he’s taking to make the most of his time without it just passing him by during the CV19 pandemic.
-How losing his mother to breast cancer at 23 years old really woke him up to a journey of consciousness.
-What the laws of consciousness are and how to live by them.
-Why things happen to us for a good reason and nothing is really lost as life supports life.

[15:00] Redirecting Our Fear

-How we can stop acting from a place of fear and begin exercising our personal power to redirect that fear.
-The fact that we’re conditioned as children to be fearful because of the idea that if you don’t worry, you won’t become a responsible adult.
-Unpacking the Us vs. Them mentality that we naturally give into when there is fear amongst everyone in a society.
-How a fear-based infatuation can steal your power in the moment; taking away your non-refundable now.
-The power of just breathing in and experiencing fear whenever it comes to you.
-Exploring the concept that a greater being that lives within us that has never left and never will leave us while we’re alive.

[28:00] How Trauma Masterfully Shapes Us

-How he helps his clients come out from under their masks and share their authentic self -with the world.
-What he does to prove to his clients that the worst thing that has happened to them is actually the best thing ever for their life.
-The purpose behind suffering and pain that each one of us experiences in our unique journeys.
-Why the ego perceives our traumatic experiences as pain when really they’re shaping us in a masterful way.
-Differences between emotion and feeling when combined with conscious neuroplastic mediation.
-Why it’s an illusion that our thoughts create our emotional states.

[34:30] The Spiritual Quotient

-Josh’s Belief-Thought-Feeling-Action loop that happens when we approach a new situation.
-The fact that we get to learn negative emotions such as shame, guilt, anger, and anxiety just like the good feelings we connect with in life.
-How we can unconsciously live more conscious and achieve an intense flow state.
-Why we constantly lead decisions with our head and not our heart.
-The spiritual quotient and why spirituality is the solution to 99% of our problems.
-Personal volition and understanding that you always have a choice and it’s your remedy against resistance and fear.

[52:00] The Difference Between Knowing And Doing

-The difference between knowing and doing plus the emotions that come with them.
-How to just accept, choose, and feel our emotions instead of resisting or creating a dialogue around them.
-The fear we have that a feeling might remain forever if we allow it to bubble up within us but that’s actually a lie.
-Why suffering comes from the same story that we tell ourselves about the negative emotion, not the negative emotion itself.
-Imposter syndrome and self-imposed devaluation he experienced when he transferred from fitness to deep transformational coaching.

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