Deadly Deception – Dr. Robert E. Willner – Injected himself with HIV to prove it doesn't cause AIDS

10 months ago

**Listen Dr. Willner – talk about Exposing the very Evil Dr. Galo, Big Pharma, the FDA, the NIH and the Medical Industry. Science is not science when you have FRAUD, Corrupt scientists running the studies. He talks about the fraud of Big Pharma way back in the 80’s.

He exposes AZT as one of the causes of AIDS as it just destroys the immune system. He exposes the deliberate fake science and fake studies.

How they faked double blind studies. How placebo groups were given the drug AZT to purposely cause Side Effects so they could say that the placebo group had almost as many side effects.

It is truly incredible.

What he didn’t really know back then, but the evil Fauci put deadly immune destroying Viruses in Hepatitis B vaccines and targeting Gay patients in 4 big cities. They faked it being a gay disease. The fraud by our government agencies in collusion with big pharma is astonishing, just unbelievable to someone who hasn’t dug deep into this stuff, but it is 100% true.

How they used the PCR test which couldn’t diagnose HIV/AIDS to get positives just so they could treat people with AZT, which is what does cause AIDS.

Does this sound familiar? They copied this format for the Covid Plandemic.

Dr. Willner injects / jabs himself with a needle of the blood of an AIDS patient.

Dr. Willner supposedly died the very next year after this of a “heart attack.” How convenient.

Doctors have a CHOICE between Dignity and Money. They can accept the truth and change the way they practice and help expose the industry or they can know the truth but maintain the way they practice so they are in no risk of losing their job.

American Medical Voodoo is when Doctors tell a person they are going to die. Most people will die if they are told by a doctor. Why?

Because they BELIEVE them. That is the power of belief.

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