Kary Mullis – Fauci doesn't know Anything about Anything

7 months ago

Kary Mullis, founder of the PCR Test, says: "Fauci doesn't know anything about anything, and I'd say that to his face, the man thinks that you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it has a virus in it you'll know it, he doesn't understand medicine, he should not be in the position he is in."

Kary: "Most of the guys on top are just administrative people and they don't know anything about what's going on in the biome, those guys have got an agenda, they make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to and they don't mind going on television and lie to the public."

Kary Mullis: "You can't expect the sheep to really respect the best and the brightest because they don't know the difference. The vast majority do not have the ability to judge who is and who isn't a really good scientist."

Kary Mullis: "If Fauci wanted to get on television and debate, he could do it, because he has been asked. Fauci didn't want anything to do with me."

Fauci knows damn good and well he has been an evil pawn for the nazi NIH for decades and he is absolutely fine with that. In fact, he is so used to lying to the public, he is a natural.

It is no wonder that Kary Mullis "Mysteriously" died right at the beginning of the Covid Plandemic, they knew he would have been a continuous problem and could disrupt the narrative.

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