Gary Hobish collapsed and died outside museum after friend denied AED device - San Franci (Nov'23)

7 months ago

333,129 views 3 Nov 2023 #defibrillator #abc7news #sanfrancisco
Gary Hobish tragically collapsed and died while swing dancing in Golden Gate Park, but his friend rushed to the de Young Museum just feet away where he says he was denied a life-saving defibrillator. STORY:
San Francisco’s de Young Museum is rebutting claims that its staff refused Sunday to lend its defibrillator to people seeking to help a man who collapsed nearby of an apparent heart attack, and added that it is making improvements in reaction to the incident.

Museum spokesperson Helena Nordstrom said in an email to the Chronicle that the museum determined that an ambulance had already arrived to attend to Gary Hobish, who was lying unconscious, and so the defibrillator was not needed.

Hobish had been swing dancing with the Lindy in the Park’s weekly gathering behind the museum, and after he fell, fellow dancer Tim O’Brien rushed to the de Young to ask for a defibrillator.

“When asked for help after Mr. Hobish collapsed, staff at the de Young Museum tried to determine the best response they could make within museum policy as they understood it, running out to the park to assess what was happening,” Nordstrom wrote Thursday evening. “Arriving within 5 minutes of the initial request, they found that an ambulance was already at the scene, they immediately informed the individual who had made the request.”
On Friday, she added in another email that the incident was “unprecedented” for the de Young, and that managers were instituting
improvements in its wake.

“We will purchase additional defibrillators, work with appropriate City agencies to offer expanded training to staff on using the devices, and empower our staff to respond immediately to any unfolding medical emergency,” Nordstrom wrote, which means they will now share their equipment off site, she told the Chronicle.

O’Brien called the museum’s account of what happened Sunday “complete hogwash.”

“They didn’t tell me there was an ambulance on scene,” he said. “They just said you can’t have the defibrillator, and this was after about five minutes of delay. Then I left.”

He said between the time he sprinted into the museum to ask for help, got denied the machine, and came back out to the dance scene, nearly 10 minutes had elapsed. Cardiac experts say the chances of survival during a heart attack drop 10% every minute that elapses.

“The staffer just said, ‘It’s off premises. Call 911,’ as if we hadn’t already done that.”

Hobish, who also banged his head when he fell, died of apparent heart failure. A doctor who happened to be nearby when the 70-year-old man collapsed administered CPR, dancers at the scene said. And paramedics used a defibrillator when they arrived, which several at the scene said was around the time O’Brien returned.

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Sudden Death -

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