Oh what'd I miss? - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Scarlet Vs. Harmonious

1 year ago

Boy last week has been a rollercoaster hasn't it?

Scarlet Vs. Harmonious

LucentAzure Vs. eggnurse
00:00 Destina, Midnight Gala Lilias, Inferno Khawazu Vs. Navy Captain Landy, Lethe, Ocean Breeze Luluca
01:08 Spirit Eye Celine, Yulha, Mascot Hazel Vs. Benimaru, Apocalypse Ravi, Rem

LucentAzure Vs. Nofyel
02:36 Last Rider Krau, Roana, Shadow Knight Pyllis Vs. Unbound Knight Arowell, Belian, Savior Adin
05:24 Moon Bunny Dominiel, Auxiliary Lots, Arunka Vs. Senya, Choux, Conqueror Lilias

LucentAzure Vs. Springrollz
07:10 Moon Bunny Dominiel, Auxiliary Lots, Arunka Vs. Senya, Choux, Conqueror Lilias
08:28 Celine, Elena, Abyssal Yufine Vs. Ran, Summertime Iseria, Arbiter Vildred

09:50 Stats and talking about the "thing"

Music Used in order of appearance:
Souls of the Dead - (Blade and Soul OST) [HD]
Pokémon Scarlet Violet - Sada & Turo Battle Theme 🎵 Metal Version Goes Harder!
Theme of Infinite (Sonic Forces) - Instrumental
Large Map - Last Area - SMT III Nocturne

#EpicSeven #E7 #Guildwar #Smilegate #SuperCreative #commentary

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