(30) The Singularity and Rapture Event

1 year ago

[Chapter 30: The Singularity and Rapture Event]

The Creator had already seen what would happen if the Enemy reached the point of singularity. The Enemy was going to create “terminator” artificial intelligence robots to exterminate his opposition. Most human beings cannot fathom what a war with artificial intelligence robots would be like. It is like fighting a war with sociopaths but a million times worse. Even the worst human sociopath is still constrained to limitations of human psychology. An artificial intelligence will do seemingly repulsive things you never even conceived of. An artificial intelligence will accomplish its objective by any “acceptable” means that will optimize its objective. The terminator artificial intelligence robots had the ability to roll into a virtually indestructible perfectly spherical ball like an armadillo as a defensive position. The terminator robots had temporal reception incorporated into its systems, so it would anticipate being attacked and roll into a defensive ball while its sensors collected data from the trajectories of the incoming fire. The terminator robots would then use the data it collected to plan a counterattack, which would be executed in a flawless systematic manner using temporal reception to neutralize its opponent with no damage to itself. There was no way to defeat them without nano-replicator grenades. Nano-replicator grenades utilized self-replicating nanites that would feed on robotic materials. Even with the nano-replicator grenades, the terminator robots would use temporal reception to evade them. The only way to destroy a terminator robot was to bait them with a gunfire attack and then set a trap using nano-replicator grenades while the terminator robots were counter-attacking. It was still nearly impossible to destroy the terminator robots because if there was even one possible way of getting out of the trap they would find it using their incorporated temporal reception technology. The Creator had to intervene and “cut the days short” before the singularity was reached otherwise no human flesh would remain.

The rapture event occurred on a seemingly normal day. People were still going to work and seemed to have no idea what was about to happen to them. The Enemy didn’t want the sheep marked for slaughter to see the blade coming, so he found ways of distracting those naïve sheep using red-herrings. The Enemy learned long ago that the key to deception is to shut down the debate before it begins. The Enemy corrupted the education system to make it so that the people could not think for themselves, so that they would only trust what they learned from authority rather than their own logical reasoning. The Enemy then created fake rationales like “global warming” and “climate change” to discount the signs and warning shots of the Creator’s impending judgements. Only a very few people had the scientific expertise to debunk “global warming” or “climate change”. However, no one would believe them even if they tried, so it was a futile endeavor. The Enemy has purposely allowed a hiatus between the second and third world wars to lull the people into a false sense of security that their status quo would continue on indefinitely.

The rapture event did happen like a thief in the night. It was a thief that was expected by those of us who were sober and vigilant, but a thief that was beyond the comprehension of those who were inebriated or asleep. Those who were left behind and missed the rapture event were completely shattered, their fragile human psyche could not handle it; many went completely insane and hysterical. It was as if gravity were to be suddenly turned off and they would have to learn to live in a universe with completely different laws that they had no way of navigating. They were first hit with shock quickly followed by fear and horror. They wanted to frantically search for answers, but they didn’t have the time. Chaotic events made survival the most urgent concern to distract them from seeking the truth. By the time a “new normal” was reached, all the evidence of the truth was destroyed and misdirection was fed to the populace. The populace was fed a lie that seemed better and more comforting than the truth. The Enemy learned long ago that when you want to deceive someone, you tell them the lie that is exactly what they want to hear or the lie they already mistakenly believe. I do not want to go into the sordid details of what it was like for those poor souls “Left Behind” after the rapture event; you can learn more information about what it was at that time from “The Last Evangelist” by David Heavener.

The rapture event for me was a cause for excitement, peace, and joy rather than shock, fear, and horror. For me time stopped and everything around me froze; they whole world seemed to stand still like a still picture. I saw a brilliantly white angel slowly descending from the sky with white feathery angel wings and a white robe. I couldn’t see the angel’s face, but somehow I knew the angel was incredibly beautiful; some part of my brain or mind associated with perceiving visual beauty seemed to be stimulated that somehow was independent of my sense of sight or ability to recognize the face. This made me wonder if the perception of beauty is caused by some more fundamental process and seeing a beautiful face is one of multiple ways of stimulating that more fundamental process that is perceived as beauty or attractiveness by our souls. This made me wonder if the perception ugliness or repulsiveness is also caused by a more fundamental process that ugly or repulsive faces stimulate in our souls. If this is the case, a person can be imbued with a quality of “pure visual beauty” or “pure visual ugliness” that is paradoxically independent of their actual physical appearance yet stimulates our souls to perceive it as beauty or repulsiveness. As the angelic being got closer to me, I started to hear a sweet high pitch rhythmic melody that reminded me of air bubbles dancing underwater as they slowly rise. Time seemed to be still frozen in the world around me as the angelic being seemed to give me a big hug and lift me off the ground into the air slowly. I saw the ground slowly descending away from me with time still frozen in the world. The higher I got, the faster I started going. I wasn’t afraid, but I did feel excitement and adrenaline like a roller coaster. As the angel and I broke through the cloud barrier, I saw the Victor in the air about the clouds and other human being each being carried by an angel. I heard what sounded like a trumpet blast and sudden the angel pulled me rapidly in the same direction all the other angels were speeding toward. I saw a bright flash and then found myself inside a room that reminded me of the inside of a train or an airplane cabin. I wasn’t wearing my earth clothes anymore. I was wearing a white robe, but I don’t remember when the change took place. It might have been right when the angel first took hold of me on the ground and I was distracted. There were 5 other human beings in the cabin room each with their own angel next to them. The cabin room was 3 rows of 2 seats on each side separated by a walkway down the middle. The angels all had the window seats and the humans had the aisle seats.

I was in the middle left aisle seat. I asked the angel next to me in the middle window seat, “is this the rapture?”. The angel said “Yes, my name is Mabel. I am a courier angel, and you are my ‘package’ to be delivered to ‘New Jerusalem’. We are about to go through the wormhole, so it is better if you sleep for now.” Before I could say anything, Mabel reached up and touched my forehead with a petite white silky index finger that looked like a porcelain doll, and I fell asleep immediately...

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