(28) Banishment by Computer Simulation Universe

1 year ago

[Chapter 28: Banishment by Computer Simulation Universe]

The Enemy and his rebellious followers were offered the merciful fate of being “banished” by being confined within an artificial computer simulation universe instead of being tormented in the lake of fire for all eternity in exchange for their unconditional surrender before the Creator extracted his agents and ambassadors in the “rapture”. The Enemy and his followers would be allowed to control their surroundings in the computer simulation universe to live as “gods” within the computer simulated universe. This was a “win win” because the Creator would be able to save many who were going to be destroyed during the 7 year tribulation on the Earth, which was a “win” for the Creator. The Enemy would be trading ruling the Earth for three and a half years for not being tormented for all eternity, which the Creator thought the Enemy might think was a “win”. However this merciful offer, which seemed to the Creator to be a “win win” was for a limited window of opportunity until the Creator extracted His agents and ambassadors in the “rapture”. The Enemy rejected the merciful offer out of “pride” because the Enemy would rather be punished and tormented for all eternity rather than be the Creator’s submissive pet in a computer simulated zoo. The Enemy wanted to destroy as many human souls as possible using the “Mark of the Beast” just to spite the Creator. The Creator trapped the Enemy in a computer simulated universe for 1000 years anyways during the Victor’s Millennial Reign on Earth just to prove to the Enemy that his choice was foolish. The Creator made it look like the Enemy had won the war while the Enemy was trapped in the computer simulated universe just to prove to everyone how pathetic the Enemy actually is. The Enemy was furious when he finally realized he had been duped by the Creator and gathered his remaining forces for one last attack. They were quickly destroyed by fire coming down from vessels in orbit because it was a honey trap the Creator used to identify and destroy all the remaining forces still rebellious to him. The Enemy and his foolish followers where then thrown into the lake of fire where they were tormented for all eternity.

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