they don't view themselves as creative, that is why they "can't" create

1 year ago

my heart is beating so fast right now
there was a rock in my tire just now
so many of my videos end abruptly haha
this channel has to be interesting
expect ag to bitch about technology n play shitty music, that's it
live streams are so boring, sari
i would rather learn about how the world is out to get us even more
i am myself, did yawl know
i wouldn't do what i do if i didn't have confidence in myself
reluctantly on social media, don't tell me to do more of it
borderline personality is all about victim status
superiority complex due to perceived victimhood
i hate that i go into that narcissistic reel at all but it kinda goes w/ the territory so i better just accept it
what makes you an artist is the thing that separates you from "them"
most people are not like ag
keep smokin this weed, you will soon be schizophrenic

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