We have a question for you, dear senator, please answer.

1 year ago

We have a question for you, dear senator, please answer.

I guess these 16 senators don't have any knowledge about the Jews. The religion of the Jews is not Zionism. The religion of the Jews is Judaism.

There are many Torah Jews in France who are against Zionism and Israel. Will they also be given this punishment?

You are the real anti-Semite, you are insulting Jews. How can you say that Zionism is Judaism? Zionism is a political ideology created a century ago by Zionist leaders who did not even believe in Judaism.

You should know well that the religion of Jews is not Zionism.

This bill is anti-Semitic.

It would be better to change this bill as follows.

You should have said that those who are against the religion of Zionism are enemies of Zionist, because that is the right thing to.

How can being against Zionism be an enemy of the Jews? The religion of the Jews is not Zionism, but Judaism.

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