The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 216 - Tangier Sound!

1 year ago

Sports Fans!

The immense diversity of the Chesapeake Bay, it's waters, it's fish & wildlife, the land creating its manifold shorelines and the people living beside it and on it is amazing.

This episode we find ourselves looking out over Tangier Sound. I went down to do some business face-to-face with a couple fishing guides and see just a tiny fraction of this particular area.

There is NOTHING about this area that feels like the Kent Narrows where we were for over 2 years. My observation is neither an endorsement nor condemnation, just a statement of fact. Incredibly different.

You need to see and experience this stuff to truly appreciate it and I could spend the next 30 years of my life trying to unlock all the secrets and NEVER get there. Truly a special place, all of these places that is.

Well, this week's fishing trip got pushed out to next week due to wind, that's how it goes Sports Fans. Figured maybe I'd take another "Eco-Tour" on my own and figure some more stuff out.

We'll see you on the water soon, love you all and I mean it!

Captain T out for now!


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