Welcome to Kingdom Clinics

7 months ago

We are excited to announce the launch of our Kingdom Clinics. We are a DPC- direct primary care clinic that will restore trust- freedom, and humanity back to health care.

Kingdom Clinics doctors take an oath to follow our core Judeo-Christian values. Our mission is to serve the community with compassion, excellence, and a holistic approach that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We believe in providing personalized care that resonates with our core values of faith, integrity, and empathy.

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a healthcare model focusing on a direct relationship between patients and primary care providers, including doctors, PAs, and NPs, all without involving third-party insurance companies. In a DPC arrangement, patients typically pay a monthly membership fee directly to their primary care provider, which covers a range of primary care services.

What Does It Mean To Be a "Kingdom Clinic"?

We will be offering spiritual support and prayer. All people are welcome, and we are called to take 10% of our profits to serve underserved families and veterans with “HealthCoins” free one-year direct primary care membership into our clinics, provide monthly food distributions working with local farmers, and financial literacy programs, to help break the chains of debt and build generational wealth, and grow the Kingdom with our actions and not our words.

Please join us in restoring trust - freedom, and humanity to health care.

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