(40) Eternal Culture

1 year ago

[Chapter 40: Eternal Culture]

When you are living in a perfect eternal society with unlimited resources, an unlimited amount of time, and unlimited possibilities, the hardest thing to do is to figure out how to set limits for yourself. We are so used to our environment and circumstances setting limits and restrictions on us that we have a hard time grasping the concept of an unlimited existence where you need to set your own limits. The paradox of choice is that when you have an unlimited amount of choices it makes it seem almost impossible to choose.

What sort of things do you need to choose? Who? What? Where? Why? When? How? The first thing you need to choose is who are you going to live with? The second thing you need to choose is what is going to be your personal appearance? The third thing you need to choose is where are you going to live? The fourth thing you need to choose is why are your foundational principles governing how you will design your eternal life the way they are? The fifth thing you are going to need to choose will be when will be the critical junctures where you make choices to change things about your eternal life. The sixth thing you need to choose will be how are you going to implement your life plan for eternity?

Who? Are you going to live with friends and family you had during your temporal life? Are you going to live with people you never knew in your temporal life but are a good compatible match for you? Are you going to live with people who were uniquely and systematically designed to be your eternal companions?

What? Are you going to wear the same facial structure that you had during your temporal life? Are you going to change your voice? Are you going to make any alterations or improvements to your personal appearance? What sort of clothing, jewelry, and body modifications are you going to wear?

Where? Are you going to live in New Jerusalem? Are you going to live on the New Earth? Are you going to live in a virtual reality environment? Are you going to live in a sub-universe? Are you going to live in a house? Are you going to live in a skyscraper? Are you going to live in a rotating space station? Are you going to live on a boat? Are you going to live in a moving vehicle? Are you going to live in a rural environment? Are you going to live in a city environment? Are you going to live in a suburban environment?

Why? Are you going to live an eternal life based on simplicity and tranquility? Are you going to live an eternal life based on extravagance and luxury? Are you going to live an eternal life based on exploration and adventure? Are you going to live an eternal life based on academic and intellectual research? Are you going to live a life based on artistic expression and aesthetic beauty? Are you going to live an eternal live based on occupying a position of power, authority, and responsibility? Are you going to live an eternal life based on designing and creating things? Are you going to live an eternal life about meeting and interacting with diverse people? Are you going to live an eternal life based on the time period you lived, on time periods in past history, or on an imagined time period of the future? Do you want your eternal life to resemble a mystery novel, a comedy, an action and adventure novel, a fantasy novel, a science fiction novel, a historical fiction novel, or something else?

When? Are you going to keep things pretty consistent for all eternity or are you going to be constantly changing things for all eternity? What things are you going to keep the same and what things are you going to change and how often? Are you going to have a consistent routine in your dwelling place with periodic vacations? Are you going to always be on vacation and rarely be in your dwelling place? Are you going to be focused on a long assignment that will take all eternity and never finish? Are you going to be focused on small assignments that you can complete and move onto the next one? Are you going to have one eternal assignment, several long assignments, and many short assignments? Are you going to plan your eternity based on days, weeks, months, years, 7 year periods, 50 year periods, 70 year periods, 1000 year periods, or something else? Don’t worry you have all eternity to plan your eternity. No pressure.

How? Are you going to design things like an asymptote where it gets closer and closer to the line but never reaches it for all eternity? This way you can always keep improving your design for all eternity by adding more and more detail. Are you going to design things to change periodically with each aspect having a different period? Are you going to make the ratio of the periods be an irrational number so that the whole system never repeats itself for all eternity? Are you going to use a random selection feature to choose things to surprise you? Are you going to use competitive games for fun and the winner gets to choose the next change as the prize for winning? Are you going to have a committee that decides what changes will occur in a democratic manner? Are you going to have a trusted authority tell you what the next fad will be and what changes you should make?

There is a lot to think about for all eternity. Luckily the Creator has been thinking about these things from eternity to eternity in a temporal reception feedback loop that allows Him to give us an optimal answer now. The Creator has already designed an optimal culture that is ideal for all eternity. I can tell you that the eternal culture involves festivals, ceremonies, rituals, white robes, gold, peals, colorful gems, regal crowns, trumpets, musical instruments, singing, food, dancing, and lots and lots of gifts.

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