The Lord Says: Soon You Will See My Face! Soon You Will Eat From the Tree! Prophetic Word

7 months ago

Hi everyone. I have had a ton of trouble getting this video uploaded. But it seems it has finally worked. This word was given on April 28th, 2023. It is part of a longer series of messages the Lord gave me between Easter and Pentecost. I have been trying to get all of the messages posted as fast as I can. I encourage you to like these videos, subscribe to the channel, make a comment and share this with others. Thank you!

If you have strayed from the Lord- NOW is the time to come back to Him. If you do not know the Lord- NOW is the time to seek Him out. He is easily found. Romans 3:23 says that we are all sinners in need of a savior. Romans 5:8 says that God loves you so much that Jesus died for you on the cross. Romans 10:9-10 says declare with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved. Be saved from this wicked generation before it is too late.

Here is the transcription of today's message:

April 28th, 2023

Behold, this world is passing away
I am doing a new thing
I will cleave , I will separate the old from the new
I will refine my people
I will call them out from all nations
I will gather them in my net
That they may be where I am
I am doing a new thing
Watch and see

I will come like a mighty wave
I will wash through the nations
No one will keep me from my possession
I will not be denied
I cannot be withheld
No gate, no door will hold me back
I am coming
For my chosen people
My beloved
My bride
The feast of the bridegroom is at hand
Happy are those who are invited to the feast
Make ready your oil
Prepare your lamps
Your bridegroom is coming
Though you are weary
Watch with me a little longer

The Spirit and the Bride say “Come”
All who long for me say “Come”

To my Chosen Servants say:

I am coming soon
Make a clear path for me
Prepare my people for my coming
Prepare my bride
I require your faithfulness to me
And to my word
Speak only what I give you to speak
Listen for my voice, my leading
Quiet yourselves and wait for me to lead you
You are to be my hands, my feet
I have given you power in my name
To be my witnesses
To declare my mighty works
Lean not on your own understanding
Or on the counsel of mere men
I have already given you my Counselor
You are in a war
But the outcome has already been determined
My victory has already been won
But still the Enemy looks to devour the weak among you
Shepherd my flock
Feed my lambs
Protect those that I have given you

A little while longer
All who long for me will be satisfied
You will see me
You will see my coming
You will see my face
I am coming soon
My word is faithful and true
If it were not so I would have told you
Soon you will be with me where I am
Soon you will eat of the tree

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