Holiday Travel Ideas

6 years ago

Despite a brutal hurricane season, the Caribbean is still a great place to travel.  According to the Caribbean Hotel Association, 32 islands or 70 percent of the Caribbean was not damaged by September’s recent hurricanes, including some of the region’s most popular destinations such as Jamaica, The Bahamas and St. Lucia. Widely known as the most trusted resource for all-things-travel, The Travel Mom, Emily Kaufman, is live in the Caribbean checking out the best deals for those of us looking for a great place to go this holiday season. With Fall’s promise of cold winter nights right around the corner, there’s still plenty of Caribbean in the Caribbean.  • An Island Adventure – Emily will describe all the adventure available, including rainforest hikes, buggy rides, parrot safari’s, powerboat excursions and more • Villa Vacationer – Emily will show/tell the benefits of a private home and the luxury of true island living • All-inclusive deals – Emily will inform viewers of deals, including what to look for and what to ask for, to make the most of vacation time

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