Jon Meacham Talks Polls On Morning Joe: Biden's 'Not On Trial Here, I Think We Are'

1 year ago

There was much gnashing of teeth on today's Morning Joe over the New York Times poll showing Biden losing to Trump in five out of six battleground states. A number of the panelists admitted to being "confounded" by the poll results. And more than one suggested that the Democrats need to "work harder." That's the kind of brilliant advice that talking heads and campaign consultants get the big benjamins for. But of all the blather and whistling past the graveyard on display, the most bizarre and laughable comment came from Morning Joe regular Jon Meacham.

The historian and occasional Biden speechwriter began by declaring that in the 2024 presidential election: “I don't think President Biden is being, is on trial here. I think we are. I really do. I think this is a test of citizenship.” -- Sorry, Jon, but that's not how it works in a democracy. Citizens don't need to prove themselves to the candidates. It's the other way around.

• More at: NewsBusters - Meacham Talks Polls on Morning Joe: Biden's 'Not On Trial Here, I Think We Are'

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