8 months ago

This should pull our country together AND give us something to do with our free time.

Join The Veterans Brigade Today !

We're digital warriors and the Minutemen Guardians of the future. If you haven't stopped by in a while then you're missing out on some good information that other social media networks and Main Stream Media won't let you post: https://www.veteranbrigades.com
Click here to enter and use our web cam Jitsi Server (hold meetings and secure have communications) Our Jitsi server works a lot like zoom but, it's free an easier to use: https://jitsi.veteranbrigades.com
Webcam get together this Saturday, 28 October 2023. You can participate even if you don't have video or a microphone, there's a text/chat feature.
Click here to enter the chat room on Saturday: https://jitsi.veteranbrigades.com/VeteranBrigades
Start Times: Eastern Standard: 8:00 PM, 
Central Time: 7:00 PM, 
Mountain: 6:00 PM, 
Pacific: 5:00 PM
When you go to login be sure not to fill in the information to Join again. Down below the join information there’s a link that says “Already a member? Log in.” If you've forgotten your password you can reset it at/on our web site.
---John Sheline (Brigades Founder)

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