Strength and Mobility Exercises

1 year ago

Wanna correct problematic posture and be more confident? Then you can't miss out this simple and effective Stretch Exercise. Stretching keeps muscles long and flexible. That increases range of motion, reduces the risk for muscle and joint injury.

0:00 Kneeling pec stretch
0:48 T-Spine Mobility Stretching
1:33 Kneeling Lat Stretch
2:19 Kneeling Back Rotation
3:05 Kneeling neck stretch
3:50 High Lunge R
4:26 High Lunge L
5:02 Dolphin Pose
5:47 Puppy Pose
6:33 Kneeling Ham Stretch L
7:08 Kneeling Ham Stretch R
7:43 Sitting ankle Stretch

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