MZTV 1340: Jesus Christ Made Everything Right, Including Your Life

1 year ago

There is a mostly unnoticed turn-of-phrase in the Concordant Version of Romans 5:18, and it is "life's justifying." Here is the entire verse:

"Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying."

The translation "just award" is senseless and, according to the Greek, ought to have been, "righteous effect." (I talk about this briefly.) But the translation "life's justification" takes the theological truth of justification by faith and applies it to one's entire life. This is under-appreciated. Toward the end of the video, I help you properly appreciate it.

But before that, I am compelled to speak about a friend to whom I have brought the truth many times and who has, to date, rejected it each time. I talk about her piteous end in this eon (this is strange to say of a nice person, but she'll probably die in the Tribulation), the shame she will experience at the Great White Throne judgment (she deserves it; she hates the truth), her ultimate salvation (she'll finally credit her salvation to Christ; what a day that will be) and the monster named "Marie" who is apparently one of the nicest people in the world but who swallows and regurgitates ever satanic teaching ever invented and is in the position, as head of a church, to foist the devil's most cherished teachings (Eternal Torment, Free Will, the Trinity) upon others by means of the sysematizing of the deception, i.e., Marie has a degree, exercises authority, and possibly wears a robe.


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