Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity - 11/06/23

1 year ago

A Tale of Four Men and an occasional woman, interweaving their lives through threads of adventure, frustration, temptation, challenge, and rage; ultimately evolving into a beautiful tapestry of art, music, nature, and love.

A father, a son, a stepfather, and an artful, loving piano-playing mentor; whales, dolphins, Sedona, the Grand Canyon, and so much more.

Whether you watch or whether you listen (to the piano, orchestra, harp, or the words spoken by Paul Lloyd Warner, A.J. Goodwin or Dr. Janet Smith Warfield), something will spark your curiosity, open your mind, and propel you forward along your own path in life.

#Waterfallmusic #AJGoodwin #PaulLloydWarner

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