10 months ago

FLORIDA 11 4 2023
Father God, we know that you reign from your throne in heaven; your angels run to and fro around the world through the Earth; our guardian angels are here with us every day, every moment. I pray for each and every listener that’s here right now and all those who may even be at some distance, but I ask at this moment in time that your spirit be present, ministering to the hearts and minds of the American people out across the world. I pray that your truth would reign supreme in this audience out across the nation. Each and every heart, each and every mind listening right here, by the power of God almighty in heaven, by the blood of Christ I speak healing & clarity of mind, purity of heart, into your hearts, that you be good judges of all of the messages that are coming into you through the media right now at this moment in the history of the world, in the history of America, the need for your health , in mind and body and spirit, has never been more instant and urgent. So, I speak “health” to you. Be healthy in the way you speak. Be healthy in the way you hear. Be healthy in your mind, for clarity of thought consciousness and clarity of purity of heart to do the right things, to come to the right ends in the purposes that we have as a nation to bring healing not only in America, amongst our neighbors and our friends, but for also healing out to the world by the word of God, by the way that you speak, the way that you think and the way that you act. We pray against and we come against every demonic spirit of confusion, of chaos, of contention, and we speak and declare that America will be united, it will be unified, in clarity of mind, in clarity of purpose, that we would find the direction that God intended for us all the way back to those pilgrims that before, who came here to serve God and to have the laborers, their work, their life energy, go to healthy, worthwhile purposes as God intended all the way back to Adam and not to be used and diverted for evil, and to move things to enslave the world, but to free the world to serve you Father God, in the name of Jesus, by the blood of Christ. I thank you father for every person here and I thank you for giving them a purity and a clarity in their heart and minds and thoughts that will enable them to do your will in their own minds and their families, in their cities, in their counties, in their states, and across the nation, and out to the world. Thank you father. With your Grace and Goodness we know we will Win the War for our Children and Children's Children for evermore.

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