10.29.23 "The Time to 'Raise the Dead' Is Now"

10 months ago

Recently I have been teaching about the illusion of death and how we needed to heal it. Unlike other things that appear to exist in this dream we are having, death is so inherently not of God, that it does not lend itself to a happy Holy Spirit perception. We can't cover death with Holy Spirit's light. The image of death is just too "grim." "Death is the symbol of the fear of God. ... The grimness of the symbol is enough to show it cannot co-exist with God." (OrEd.Mn.27.3) Death can only be risen above and healed.

For those who might say that this just seems too "advanced," and too far from where their current learning has brought them, let's look at this passage from the Text. "What better way to teach the first and fundamental principle in a course on miracles than by showing you the one which seems to be the hardest can be accomplished first? ... Death, were it true, would be the final and complete disruption of communication which is the ego's goal." (OrEd.Tx.19.83) "Yes." ACIM just challenged us all to "raise the dead" NOW ... not when we think we are "ready." Accomplish that miracle first, and then we will know that we have understood the very first Principle of Miracles, "There is no order of difficulty among miracles. One is not 'harder' or 'bigger' than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal." (OrEd.Tx.1.1)

It might have been convenient for ACIM teachers if this passage about healing death first was not in the teaching, but there it is ... challenging all of us, including the ACIM teachers. I recently spoke about how ACIM teaches that a healed and peaceful way of passing from this realm should not even be called "death." The Song of Prayer says that we might call it "liberty." "We call it death, but it is liberty. It does not come in forms that seem to be thrust down in pain upon unwilling flesh, but as a gentle welcome to release." (Song-3.II.3) So here is another clue, the healed way of passing from this realm through liberty would not come at the end of a body sickness process. Let's think about that for awhile as we contemplate that the time for "raising the dead" is at hand.

27 min.

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