NO You cannot use the Bible to excuse war crimes or genocide.

10 months ago

NO You cannot use the Bible to excuse war crimes or genocide.

youtube @theundyingstars

You cannot make arguments based on mythological Bible stories to justify war crimes or to falsely justify taking the lands, property, or lives of other men and women.

No Biblical support exists for the modern state of Israel: If you want to make other arguments to support its existence, that is one thing, but you cannot falsely claim that anyone is physically descended from the mythical figures depicted in the stories collected in the Bible, any more than you can claim that anyone is physically descended from the mythical hero Hercules or the Greek god Zeus.

The Prime Minister of the modern state of Israel constantly equates the modern state of Israel with the mythological figures of the Bible in order to falsely try to justify these criminal and murderous actions, and recently (on 28 October 2023) invoked the Bible story of Amalek, verses which if taken literally are a call for merciless genocide.

The deliberate bombing of Gaza by the modern state of Israel and the deliberate targeting of noncombatants, hospitals, schools, shelters, and the deliberate murder and wounding of noncombatant men, women and children is indisputably a war crime, on a scale far greater than the bombing of Guernica in 1937 by pilots flying Junkers and Heinkel bombers sent by fascist Germany in support of the fascist army of Franco in the Spanish Civil War.

Literalists who point to Bible stories to falsely try to justify or excuse these blatant war crimes are wrong.

The Vichy government of the United States (in other words, a government which has been captured by criminals) is a prime enabler and supporter of the modern state of Israel and its ongoing war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Politicians in the US who are urging on this genocide, such as Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham, reveal the truth that the rightful government of the United States has been captured by fascists, probably as far back as the murder of President Kennedy.

The people of the world have every right to demand that no state be allowed to engage in ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the deliberate bombing of noncombatant men, women and children.

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