How to Stay Motivated All The Time? Sadhguru Answer

6 months ago

Life has no agenda. It’s for you to be a full fledged life. A grasshopper is trying to be a full fledged grasshopper. Earthworm is trying to be a full fledged earthworm. A bird is trying to be a full fledged bird. A tree is trying to be a full fledged tree. A human being should strive to become a full fledged human being. This is all our business is.

But each one of us start creating our own agendas, and doing all kinds of things. No, no, no – you are just a piece of life. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Because before you and me, countless number of people have come and gone. Yes or no? Where are they, all those people? You think they were all idiots? They were all idiots, and they died, is it? No, they were also like you – maybe they were also officers, maybe they were kings, more than you, all kinds of things. All top soil now. This will also become top soil.

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